Chapter 8: Computer Reliability
Written by April Bollinger
Reliability is an important topic to consider when producing software and/or hardware. A well-designed system can operate through the malfunction of any single component without causing harm [1]. In Black Mirror: Joan is Awful, Streamberry’s lack of understanding of their quantum computer and the lack of physical security or backups employed to protect the computer resulted in a complete loss of one of their services. Failures of computer systems or computer-driven systems can result in lost money or time, and even injury or death [1].
In this case, the quantum computer itself was the weak link [1]. The physical reliability of the quantum computer was severely lacking. Joan and Salma Hayek were able to access and destroy the quantum computer relatively easily [2]. Steamberry also only had one quantum computer, which made its destruction even more disastrous to the company. They failed to take appropriate steps to ensure that their assets were protected.
The CEO of Streamberry admitted that they had no idea how the quantum computer works and said it was essentially magic for all they understood [3]. For software to be reliable, it must be fully understood. All aspects should be clearly defined and documented during the development process [1].